Pink Pirate Costume Baby

Pink Pirate Costume Ideas

Pink Pirate Costume Ideas for the girl who wants some high seas adventure this Halloween. There is a cute party supply pattern you can find on our Pink Pirate Party Ideas page your daughter will love if this is her choice of Halloween costume.

Yes, girls can be pirates too. There were real Lady Buccaneers you know. Back in the days of treachory on the high seas, ladies and men both commanded and crewed ships. I bet they didn't have cute outfits like the one you see in that picture up there! So take a look at the Pink Pirate costume ideas I found for you.

Pink Pirate Costume Accessories

The lady pirate costumes of today are really nice looking and fun to wear. They bring out a spirit of adventure to who ever is wearing them. These costumes make you feel daring...almost like you can feel the wind and sea spray in your hair.

And the accessories we girls can find to go with them are fun! Look at the pirate purses, the Rhinestone Eye Patch, Pirate Necklace, the jewelry with skulls and crossbones and even the Pirate Nails they have for us to put on. Oh...and the hats...just look at these pictures of these great lady pirate hats. Just click on any picture to see more accessories or find out more information about the item pictured. It's a fun costume idea for girls and ladies. It is also easy to make this a couples costume idea.

Pink Pirate costumes come in all sizes from baby and toddler to adult. The entire family can go to that costume party using these Guys and Pink Pirate costume ideas. What a great theme for a Halloween group costume idea that the entire family will enjoy wearing.

More Pirate Costume Ideas

Another great thing about Pink Pirate Costume ideas is that this costume theme comes in so many different styles. You can see more by clicking on the pictures. There are so many different costumes I don't have room to picture them all on this page. And that's what ladies like, a lot of choices so we can pick just the right costume.

"Shiver Me Timbers" if these aren't the cutest costumes for ladies. I love em...and I know you will too. Pirate costumes for that swashbuckler in all of us. We may not really want to be a pirate all the time but on Halloween it is a really fun costume idea for girls and women. So take a look at all the fun costumes and accessories you see here.

Grown Up Pink Pirate Costume Ideas

Little girls, move over, the Grown Up Pink Pirate Costume Ideas are out and the Mom's are going to want to take a look at these beauties. I told you the lady pirate costume was fun and I wasn't over rating it! Look at these fun ideas and then take a look at the shoes and boots you can find to match. They are a buried treasure to any pirate costume wearer. I love shoes and must be a girl thing, cause I've got it bad and these boots and shoes will make any costume...bought or homemade...look complete. That's how great they are. See for yourself...fellow shoe lovers!

First the costumes for you ladies...

X Marks The Spot Where There Are Great Pirate Shoes and Boots

Here is the buried treasure for you ladies out there. You, the ones looking for some dangerous looking boots and shoes to match your buccaneer costume idea this Halloween. I told you I had a thing for you too? If the answer is Aye, then take ye a look.

There are some of the boots I told you about. You can also find Pirate Boot Covers with a skull and cross bones on them. This way you can really dress up your costume with your boots and not have to pay a lot of money to do it. The boot covers come in girls, boys and adult sizes so you can find them for everyone.

Here are the skull shoes that go with any ladies pirate costume. They have a four inch heel, so make sure to walk in them before you go out dressed in cannot return shoes that have been scuffed and worn. So, becareful when ordering. They are soooo cute though.

More Pink Pirate Costume Ideas

Where would Pink Pirates be with out the costume accessories? We girls do love our stuff! Well, there are also some very, very cute purses for lady pirates. Here is a picture of the Pirate's Chest purse and there is also a Skull one to go with your costume.

Talk Like A Lady Pirate

Today's pink pirate doesn't talk like a buccaneer. She talks like a savvy business woman who runs a shipping company for a living...and she does it well. That is why she is so well dressed and accessorized. There are a few pirate words you should know if this is the costume choice for you or your daughter this Halloween.

Lady Pirate's Glossary

  • Ahoy...means Hello...we do want to be friendly
  • Avast...Check it out
  • Aye...Yes
  • Beauty...what a male Pirate calls a woman
  • Grog...the pink pirate's equivilant of a Cosmopolitan
  • Hey lasss lets go shoppin'...Hey Girls, let's go shopping

That should be enough for you to get through the evening. If you want more pirate lingo just go to


Pink Pirate Names

How about making up a Pirate name? I have re-named myself, Captain Morgana Kidd. My real name is Jillian so Morgana seems quite exotic and cut-throat to me. Here are a couple more you might like to use when you are all dressed up in your Pink Pirate Costume ideas:

  • Dread Penelope Pirate
  • Anne Bonney...a real lady pirate's name
  • Calico Jane the Sailor
  • Red-headed Barbarossa
  • Gunpowder Gertie
  • Ching Shih...real lady pirate
  • Alvilda...another real lady pirate
  • Cheatin' Lea Bellamy
  • Pear-Shaped Prunella
  • Butterfingers Blair
  • Pirate Andrea the Mauve

There are just a few fun pirate name suggestions for all you Pink Pirates out there. Have I forgotten anything? If so, let me know. If you would like to see more costume ideas and pirate accessories like cutlasses, swords, pistols or costumes just click on any picture and then type pirate into the search box.


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